Monday, June 29, 2009


Today was my birthday. I turned "go-ju yon"
(if you know Japanese, you can guess it).
I filled my day with some of my favorite things.

Coffee from my Keurig.
Devotions out on my deck early in the morning.
It was a nice cool morning.

Ignoring the scales.
If you look close, you will notice dust.
It has been ignored a long time!


Yes, I do enjoy it!
Really such a nice, cool morning.

And picking some flowers.

While mowing, the killdeer threw a ruckus.
It tried to distract me and did a great act of being injured.

She didn't want me close to her eggs.

A couple of robins also were scolding me.
I decided there had to be a nest around.
Sure enough, there it was.
In the tree.

This next picture turned out fuzzy.
I had to run because the mother robin
began to dive-bomb me!
I screamed and ran.

I took a long, invigorating, very hot shower.
I love the soft, fluffy towel!

Went to lunch with my friend, Sheryl.

We splurged on dessert!
$1.99 chocolate mousse.
Who can resist??

Spent time with a good book.

Time with the family.
The afternoon with Aunt Millie.
Then the rest of the family came over for supper.
Birthday Pie to die for (rather than cake)
I know, I had chocolate mousse for lunch.
But remember, I'm ignoring the scales today.
Sophia LOVES chocolate!
I asked her, "Sophie, you want some chocolate?"
Her eyes got wide and she dropped her toys
and came running over to me as fast as she could.
It was so funny!

Mindy and Sophia

I love my family.
I miss Josh, Staci and Emeri.
I'll get to see them next week!

Boy, they lavished them on me!
Wow! Thanks everyone!
And cards.
I love cards.


  1. Sounds like a wonderful birthday! Glad you enjoyed it! :)

  2. Happy Belated Birthday, Debby! It sounds like you did have a wonderful birthday. And, I figure it's O.K. to ignore the scale on your birthday as well :)

  3. Happy Belated Bday!! So glad you had such a great day with MOST of your favorite things. You deserve it!

  4. Belated birthday greetings - from gorgeous San Diego!!!!

    Sounds like you had a great day!

    Blessings for a GREAT NEW YEAR!

