Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Happy Birthday, Dad!

My Dad's birthday is today. 86 years young. Dad grew up on a dairy farm close to Castleton.
One boy with 4 sisters.

He was an ornery fellow...

...who gave his life to Christ after highschool.
Went to Grace Bible Institute and Bethel.
Met Mom.
They had thought they would go to Africa as missionaries.
But the Lord directed them to post-war Japan instead.

He and mom had 4 children,
Dave, Doug, Me and Dan.

He took us swimming at the beach a lot.
He would sometimes grill for us.

Now that they are retired, Dad continues to do lots of volunteer work. At the Et-Cetera store he checks things to make sure they work. If they don't, he tries to fix them. If he can't fix them, they go in the trash. He also gives his time at MCC, his church, and at Kidron. He loves a good joke and you are never around him long before you will hear one. Or two. Maybe even more. He used to give "humor" talks to lots of groups.
Always serving.
And they pray every day for each of us.

Have a great day, Dad!


  1. Happy Birthday to your dad! I love all the old pictures you post.

  2. I loved seeing these pictures Mom! Happy Birthday Grandpa! We love you!

  3. Happy birthday to your Dad! Enjoy these precious years together!!

    Now seeing these photos, I say you DO look like your mom.

    LOVED the photos!

  4. Hi, my name is Joy Claassen-George. I ran across your blog ?? and noticed the post about your daughter being adopted. I too was adopted through the Holt agency (also from S. Korea). My parents are Richard and Yvonne Claassen of Whitewater.
    Anyways, great blog. Just think it's a small world.

  5. Hi Joy, I actually know who you are! I recall talking with your mom long, long ago, when you were just a little one. Some of us who had children from Korea got together occasionally. Do you live around here?

  6. I loved seeing these pictures !!!
    Happy Birthday to your dad!...thanks for sharing such a cute pics....
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