Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Hedge hogs

Jill teaches piano on Tuesday afternoons so I get to watch the girls.
Today Sophia was up from her nap so the girls came to my house.
At first Hannah helped me with the ironing. But it was really a nice day and may be one of our last before winter sets in,
so we decided to go for a walk.

Behind my house is a walking/bike path that the girls love to go on. We have lots of adventures in the "woods" behind our home.

After Amanda's escapade last night with a skunk, I was keeping a watch out for those critters.
I'm sure she will do a post about that.
Today the girls found a stash of hedge balls!

Sophia is not eating the hedge balls - she is merely balancing it with her cast.

We took the hedge balls to the creek and the girls loved throwing them in!

Yes, I know you can actually sell these things on-line.
And I hear they are good to keep crickets and spiders out of your house or garage.
But they sure are fun to throw and see how big a splash one can make!
Hannah thought she should bury one of them so a "hedge hog tree will grow next year."

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