Saturday, January 23, 2010

Embracing children

"He (Jesus) put a child in the middle of the room. Then, cradling the little one in His arms, He said, 'Whoever embraces one of these children as I do embraces Me, and far more than Me - God who sent Me.'" Mark 9:36-37 The Message

I LOVE that!

I am so happy for all the nursery workers who come each week to show Christ's love to the little ones!

All the kiddos wanted to climb the ladder with Mr. Bobby (who was hanging up some valentines on the ceiling). It was safe - he kept close by!

After the story of the blind man, the children could either wear a blind fold or just close their eyes (Natalie was the brave one) and see if they could guess what kind of fruit they were touching.

Then they got to eat the fruit! Yum!

Loving our babies and toddlers!!


  1. What a great post! You do such a wonderful job as nursery director! We're so thankful for that because we know Luke is safe as well as loved. We also know he's being taught about Jesus -- in an 18-month appropriate way :) We're hoping Luke continues to get better so he can be there tomorrow. Great photos of the kiddos, by the way.

  2. Precious photos. I say, "Thank you Lord for Debbie's giving, loving, nurturing heart!"
