Thursday, May 13, 2010


Last night the skies were ugly. Such dark clouds, tornado warnings in the area, torential rain, loud thunder. Jill wasn't sure what to do. She had a recital planned at church at 6:30. We decided to wait until 5:30 and see what happened before canceling. Luckily the warnings were cancelled just then. And the recital went on as planned.

It was Hannah's very first piano recital. She played Mary Had a Little Lamb.
Sophia in awe of her big sister.
Jill's students.
ALL the kids did a fabulous job!!
There were nerves but they all performed great!
Afterwards, there were treats.

Sophia had been disappointed that her name wasn't on the program.
She got to do her own playing afterwards.

And just as we got home it began to pour and also hail.

1 comment:

  1. this is super awesome!! I cannot wait to get Landrey in lessons, wish Jill could teach her too! Thanks for sharing!
