Friday, June 25, 2010

Celebrating again!

Last week we celebrated our Dads for Father's Day.

This evening we had some more celebrating to do - we are always ready for an excuse to celebrate! We decided to drive way out in the boonies to the town of Burns, population around 260.

We wanted to eat at this little cafe, run by some Holdermans. (Holdermans belong to a religious group that has its roots right here in Kansas. Most other Mennonite and Amish groups have their roots in groups that formed in Europe during the Protestant Reformation. The original Holderman congregations grew out of the same stock of Russian Mennonite immigrants to Kansas who settled in south central Kansas.)
It is open only on Friday and Saturday.
Famous for their pies.

If you don't get there early, they may run out of the flavor you want.

There were probably 20 different flavors of pie available; our family had coconut, peanutbutter/chocolate, pecan, chocolate, cherry, and blackberry.

We got there at 5:00, having left Newton at 4:30. The place was packed out! The food delicious! Barbequed ribs, marinated chicken, chicken-fried steak, home-made mashed potatoes (not the flakes from a box) with gravy, rolls. Hannah and Sophia split a huge hamburger. Sophia said "It's just like McDonalds!" Uuh, not quite.

We celebrated my mom's, Aunt Millies' and my birthdays.
We do that every year since our birthdays are so close together.

( It's really a candle in that sack)

LOVE the journal with my grandchildren's pictures on it and the notepads.

And the wonderful wrought-iron leaves.

And such generous gifts from my parents.

Thanks everyone!!!

We also celebrated Mindy having graduated from nursing school!!


Mindy deleted the picture of her wearing this nurses cap I made so here is Sophia modeling it.
So proud of you Mindy for all you have accomplished!

She begins her job at Galichia ICU in July after she completes her state boards.

Josh and Staci also will be celebrating their anniversary the same day as my birthday.

Happy Anniversary!!
Wish you could have come with us!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to Mindy! That is super.
    And Happy Birthday to you, Debby. Hope it is/was great!
