Saturday, January 23, 2010

Embracing children

"He (Jesus) put a child in the middle of the room. Then, cradling the little one in His arms, He said, 'Whoever embraces one of these children as I do embraces Me, and far more than Me - God who sent Me.'" Mark 9:36-37 The Message

I LOVE that!

I am so happy for all the nursery workers who come each week to show Christ's love to the little ones!

All the kiddos wanted to climb the ladder with Mr. Bobby (who was hanging up some valentines on the ceiling). It was safe - he kept close by!

After the story of the blind man, the children could either wear a blind fold or just close their eyes (Natalie was the brave one) and see if they could guess what kind of fruit they were touching.

Then they got to eat the fruit! Yum!

Loving our babies and toddlers!!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Crack me up!

Yesterday was my day to watch the girls while Jill taught piano. Hannah began to talk about wishing it was spring. She said to me "I have had 2 tornadoes in my lifetime". Mind you, she is 4 years old. She told me about how last year they went into the storage room while the tornado sirens were going off. Daddy and Mommy had taken their sleeping bags and the computer, some toys and food into the room so they could wait out the storm. I said that this year if they have to go to the basement, they could use the bathroom to hide in since that room is finished now. She thought that would be a good idea "in case I have to go potty. That would be major!"

She brought me a toy that was broken. She told me that her daddy has a special glue. "You need to see my Daddy's special glue in action!"

Sophia and Hannah love to play with playdough. Here is a little film about that.