Wednesday, June 8, 2011


In our bedroom, by the big bay window I keep my binoculars along with my bird book.

My grand kids have their binoculars there too.

We love to watch birds that flit and fly about!

I once saw a bald eagle, but didn't get to my camera fast enough!

Sometimes we see other critters too. There is a huge snapping turtle back there now too, but I haven't captured him on film just yet. I hope to.

On Sunday morning, we looked off the deck to see a deer!

Did you see the sunrise this morning??!!

We noticed a bit of haze in the atmosphere last evening. And a gloriously red sunset. And this morning another dramatic sunrise. Evidently, the plume of smoke from the fires in Arizona have reached Kansas and all the way to Iowa and that is what is causing it. We should still be able to see that tonight, but once a cold front comes through probably not. So be sure to look tonight!

I was thinking about all this. What if I chose to close my blinds or curtains and just didn't bother to look outside? What delights I would be missing!

In a similar way, many people close their hearts to looking into God's Word. And they miss out on the many delights, the treasures that He has for us!

"Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law." Psalm 119:18

If you haven't done so already, I encourage anyone reading this to take Jess' 30 day challenge. Many years ago, in our young couples' Bible study at KU, we were challenged to read the Bible each day. It is such a habit now that if I happen to miss, I really, really miss that time with the Lord. It is not just something to check off my "to do" list anymore. It is a longing to be with Jesus. Sometimes it is uncomfortable as He may need to reprove me, but mostly it is just a joy. Refreshing. Comforting. Precious.

Get out those spiritual binoculars and look into God's Word!

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