Saturday, June 11, 2011


This past week our church had our Vacation Bible School. Jennifer and I had a class of 2-year-olds; children of workers for VBS. They were just so sweet!

Each day we played on Cora's Playground.

Every day, Luke would say "Miss Debby's car black!"

Freddie the Frog welcomed the children. We would sing songs and have stories. Lillian wanted to sit beside me.

Even Elmo wanted to listen and learn about Jesus. Our verse for the week was "God takes care of me." 1 Peter 5:7

The "ravens" brought food to Elijah.

Jennifer brought rice krispie crowns and the children decorated them with "jewels".

On the last day, we had a program. Here is my Hannah singing.

Sophia is lost in the midst of all those children. I couldn't get a photo of her!

Adam wearing armor.

During this program, there were tornado warnings about and we had people watching for us. We were in the activity center which is a designated storm shelter. If the sirens had gone off, we would have all just gathered against the south wall. Luckily, the storms stayed south.
The clouds were spectacular after the program was over!

What a fun week teaching precious children that God takes care of them and He loves them so much. I do too!!!!!


  1. you are such a good teacher debby! thanks for all you do!

  2. I second that one...Thanks so much for all you do! Thanks for taking care of our Mr. Luke during VBS all week....He loved being in there with you.
