Saturday, September 24, 2011

Good-bye, Dauphin Island!

Before we left the island, we had to take family photos, of course!

The day we left, we stopped at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab Estuarium .

This lady told us about electric rays.

Feeding time.

We drove to Birmingham for another night before heading back to Kansas. Last snuggle time with Aunt Mindy.

Leaving the beautiful mountains in Alabama. We decided to make a stop in Memphis to visit Life Choices, where Adam and Jill hope to get a baby from some day.

They are a pregnancy crisis center, counseling women and providing baby things for these young moms. And adoption services for those moms who decide to give their babies a different home.

What a wonderful time we had as a family at Dauphin Island! I would love to go back some day!


  1. Such fun pictures! It looks like you all had a great time and made some fun memories!!

  2. LOVE those beach pictures!!! what a great background!!

  3. What a fabulous vacation. So glad you were able to ALL be together. Special, indeed!
