Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Arkansas birthdays 2011

We love to see the grandchildren in Arkansas. They had to show us their wheels.
We were not able to be with them on their real birthday, so we celebrated with them late.
This year they got an extra cake. I don't think they'll be able to get by with sharing girly cakes again next year. I think he will catch on.

What fun to spend time with them, reading, playing and just loving on them!

My folks sent them money so they could shop for their own gifts. Wow! They loved that!!

Emeri's other grandma was telling her one day that God is good. All the time! Emeri said, "If God is good, why don't Nana and Papa live next to us?" Isn't that so sweet?! They are lucky they at least have the other grandparents living by them. And their great-grandpa too! I grew up not really knowing my grandparents as they lived an ocean away. In the olden days there were no cell phones or skype to keep in touch. Just old fashioned mail and that just isn't the same. So happy to have grandkids to cherish and love! Even if they are 5 1/2 hours away!


  1. I LOVE Eli's costume...too cute! And, that's very sweet that Emeri asked why her other grandparents couldn't live closer...BTW, Luke randomly prayed for Miss Debby and Mr. Allen tonight...VERY sweet!

  2. So glad you had such a nice visit! Kids are growing fast! Looks like weather was perfect!
