Thursday, March 29, 2012


Sunday morning we went to The Church at Brook Hills which is not very far from Mindy's apartment. It was very interesting as they were launching their new church plant that will begin on Easter Sunday, just like our church is. Their pastor, David Platt (who wrote "Radical") had done a series on Acts and some of the people felt led to do a church plant on the south side of Birmingham. Our church has been going through Acts also as we start a church plant in Hillsboro.

After worship, we went to The Summit and ate at Flip Burgers.

Notice how the chairs and tables are flipped? And the ceiling art is pretty awesome!

Mindy ordered onion rings which were the BEST I've ever eaten! We had sweet potato tots and they give you whipped marshmallow fluff to dip them in! Oh my!!

We ate outside and this was the view.

We were fueled up for the afternoon to go tubing down the Little Cahaba River! (next post)


  1. I've never heard of dipping sweet potato tots in whipped marshmallow fluff....very interesting....I hope they were good :)
