Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Watch out!

 When Mindy was here this weekend, she commented that our back yard is a bird haven - maybe a bird heaven too.  We have a LOT of birds!!  The girls enjoy getting out the binoculars to observe them.

Can you guess what kind of bird this is?

She is a female red-wing blackbird.  See the male in the picture below?  Seems like so often in the animal kingdom, males are so colorful and beautiful, but the females are, well, rather plain.

A baby bunny was hopping about - mother rabbit was close by watching.

This robin nested in the tree close by.  Al was weeding and it flew right at him - at his face!  Almost hit him, but at the last minute veered away.  He decided to wear a hat to protect his head from being "bombed"! 
Hannah thought his hat needed a little decoration!

Usually one of the parent flies off to catch something for the babies to eat.  When it returns, the other parent flies off and takes a turn,.
I was taking pictures one day (from far off) when I saw both mommy and daddy birdie fly away.  I quickly jumped on the bench and got a picture.  The bird is a little fuzzy - I didn't take time to focus, because I was afraid the parents would come back and swoop at me!  I could sort of make out that there was at least 1 baby bird.  Usually they have 3 or 4. 

 Today, Al said he would brave it and take a photo.  We have 3 baby birdies!!   

And the parents didn't even come swoop at hiim!   I hope I can get a picture when they learn to fly!!

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures. I love watching the birds. This is the busiest month with the parents feeding babies and protecting them.

    All day today at the farm I heard a Mockingbird every-time I went outside--couldn't see him though. If I had taken the time I may have seen him rising straight up into the air and free-fall diving as he sang.

    The Brown Thrasher and/or Brown Thrush have a similar repertoire to the Mockingbird, only quieter. I hear those in our neighborhood, but Mockingbirds seem to inhabit farms and open country. Birds bring back so many memories from growing up on the farm.
