Sunday, May 6, 2012

Young Mom's Bible study comes to a close

For several years now, my friend Sarah and I have had a young mom's Bible study.  The young moms in the group change each year, depending on the moms situations.  Last year we did a study on being moms, but this year we did a Beth Moore study on the life of  David. 
 What a great time we have talking and eating breakfast together!  The little children are taken care of in the nursery (except for the little bitty ones who come with mom)

 Study is done for the summer and we went to the park to have one last time together.

What fun it was when Charlie and Lillian just happened to show up to play at this particular playground the same day!  Jess was with us last year but was not able to this year. 

 Silly picture - except not too many of us were doing silly faces!
 Time to eat!  Everyone was hungry!

It was a yummy picnic!!  And a very "yummy" year with all the young moms and their little children!!!


  1. I agree -- great pics of all of the kids! Thanks to you & Sarah for leading us young moms over these last 4 years now! Can you believe some of us have done this 4 years now? When we first started, Luke was only 6 weeks!

  2. What fun pictures! Thanks for the WONDERFUL year!!

  3. GREAT pics Debby! thank you and Sarah SO much for leading us this year!!!! i am so blessed to know you!

  4. What a fun looking group! I love how Taylor is holding Gavin's head in the group photo! :)

  5. Debby, you're so sweet to include my kiddos! It was such a treat to drive up that day and see so many fun friends. All of the pictures are wonderful! Beautiful kids and beautiful mommies.

  6. great photos Debby! I LOVE being a part of such awesome women and 2 wonderful mentors!! Thank you for all you do - you are VERY much appreciated and loved - by me and our kiddos!!
