Sunday, September 16, 2012

Going to the State Fair

The question this year was - should we go to the Kansas State Fair or not?  

We didn't go last year as we had our family vacation at Dauphin Island during that time.  The year prior we had taken Sophia and Hannah.  And the year before that we had taken Hannah (Sophie was too little). 

We had missed dollar day (when it is free to get in with a Dillons card and a dollar a ride). We would have had to pull the kids out of school for that and we didn't. Although the school doesn't mind if you do. We just didn't get around to it.

Then Al said, "When Hannah turns 13 she won't want to go with Nana and Papa anymore." So we decided we needed to make those memories!! They won't stay little forever!!

The rides were  pricey so we gave the children a certain number of rides they could choose.  We walked all around the ride area so they could decide which ones they wanted.  Hannah wanted to do the water ride - but was not quite brave to do it all by herself. 

 Papa didn't want to do it. 
Sophie didn't want to do it.
That left Nana.
You can see a little bit of Hannah behind me.  They made the bigger person be in the front.  I don't think Hannah could see at all where we were going.  But we laughed and laughed and of course, got wet.  I don't think my bottom dried out at all the entire evening.  (the seat of the ride was really wet!  - I should bring a towel to sit on if we do it again!)

A ride Sophia picked out was the teacups.  Papa didn't want to get dizzy.  Hannah didn't want this one as one of her choices.  So again, Nana had to ride.  Did I say "had"?  I LOVED it!  I don't like getting dizzy, but it really was fun! 
 Hannah took my camera and took pictures of us going around and around and around.

 I told Sophie that I remembered riding the teacups at Disneyland in California when we came to the States when I was 7 years old.

Hannah had decided to forgo one ride to try to do a prize booth. 
She did one where you choose a duck and the letter on the bottom of the duck determines what prize you get.  She was able to pick out this penguin in her arm.  She was so happy!

So happy it wasn't one of those MEGA HUMONGOUS stuffed animals that people were carrying around!!

This is a tradition from the last time we came - before we go home, the girls run through the water.  Jill packed us some extra clothes to change into for the ride home.  It was just a mite chilly, but the girls LOVED it!!
One of these years, Claire will need to join us!  Although she sure enjoyed Aunt Mindy taking care of her while mommy and daddy went on a date!

Maybe our Arkansas grandkids can come too one year!

1 comment:

  1. What fun! I LOVED the tea cups at Disneyland! They were my favorite ride but don't think I could ride them now!
