Saturday, October 27, 2012

3 angels

He will command His angels concerning you
to guard you in all your ways.
Psalm 91:11

I had an encounter with the "other" world yesterday.  3 angels.  Here is my story.

2 1/2 weeks ago, we moved my Aunt Millie from assisted living to health care.  Her health was declining and it was necessary.   (I know she isn't smiling in the picture above - and she has such a sweet smile. But actually she was confused about the camera and what was going on.)

This Wednesday during my Bible study with the young moms at church, I got a call that I needed to come. Aunt Millie was suffering seizures and they weren't sure she was going to pull through.  It was a hard day and we called in hospice to help.

 She had a better day the next day and was able to recognize her grandchildren and other family who came.  That's my dad with his sister above.  And also from many years ago, below.

Yesterday when I went to sit with her, she was struggling.  Asleep most of the day and showing signs that the end was coming.

Sandy, Millie's daughter, took a break and left the room for awhile.  As I sat beside Millie, she opened her eyes.  They had that glazed, far off look. 

She looked at the picture of Uncle John that I had hung up by her bed.  

Then she peered at a place close to the bathroom door, then to the other side of the door to her room, and then to the wall on her right.  She kept looking at these 3 places and back to Uncle John's picture.

"His eyes.  Strange." she mumbled. 
I had a thought.  "Millie, do you see angels?"
She nodded.

Another time, "Who's he?"
Later, she looked at the place by the bathroom door which was at the foot of her bed.  She looked up almost to the ceiling and down and up again.  "So tall!"  Then she gave the angel a big smile.  I looked at the place she looked and gave him a huge smile too.  I couldn't help it!

At one point she waved.

She continued to squint her eyes as if she couldn't believe it.  Back and forth at those 3 places.

I called Sandy.  She was just coming back and she joined in.
"Mom, are the angels here to take you?"
She nodded.
"It's ok to go with them."
Again, a nod.

"Mom, do you see Aunt Helen and Aunt Mary? (her 2 sisters who have gone on)
A nod.
"Do you see Grandpa Carl and Grandma?"
A shake of the head.
"Well, they'll be there soon to welcome you too."
A nod.
The welcoming committee is gathering!

"Hi John"
Twice she told John hi.

At times she seemed to speak to the angels and nod her head at them.  We couldn't understand what she was saying. 

During the night she said to Sandi, "Look!  He's right behind you"  She seemed to carry on an intense conversation.  Wish I could see in her dimension...

Revelation 2:10 - Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life.
Aunt Millie's favorite verse.

The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him, and He delivers them.  Ps. 34:7

I read this chapter from Psalms to Millie the night before last. How she smiled as I read it.  She loves this Psalm.  Soon, Millie, you will see Him face to face!  Ah, the joys of heaven!

"I tell you the truth,
whoever hears My word
 and believes Him who sent Me
has eternal life and will not be condemned;
he has crossed over from death to life." 
John 5:24


  1. Debby,
    What an angel story~I love it! I got goosebumps when I read that you smiled at your Uncle John~love your faith. (I saw the link to this story on FB)

  2. The homegoing of a saint is bittersweet, isn't it? Perhaps my mom and you Aunt Millie will meet one day very soon!

  3. thanks for sharing the moment. it is so hard for me to get my mind around it, but it is my hope that we will all see angels in heaven.

  4. Debby,

    Our senior saints are a blessing!!! That story reminds me of how God loves and rewards those who are devoted to him. And how important it is for us to have a strong relationship with our Lord. Thank you for sharing!!

  5. I found it interesting that you had an Aunt Helen and Mary. Alan's Aunt Helen and Mary both passed away the summer of 1988, just a couple months apart. They lived in retirement together, neither having been married. Now they're together in heaven.

    p.s. I'm finally finding the time to read your blogs.
