Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Grandparent's Day

Yesterday was Grandparent's Day at our grandchildren's school.  I took my parents along.  The program was a combination of Thanksgiving and thanking God for grandparents (and great-grandparents!).

It was Sophia's very first program.  I believe she was just a tad bit nervous.  (wonder if Anna has a loose tooth?)

But she was attentive to her teacher.

A pair of "grandparents"

 After the program we went to the kid's classrooms.

This little man is just so cute!  He was visiting his big sister's class.

 As was this little boy.

The kids showed us their artwork.

Being a Grandma is just the BEST!!


  1. We did that last week. Being grandparents is supercalifragalistic!

  2. thanks for the pics of abe and anna ;-)
    we had our big dr. appt with amy that day and i wasn't able to be there...
