Monday, January 7, 2013

Christmas, Part 1

We celebrated our family Christmas on New Years' Day.  It was a beautiful white Christmas!

 The day before it had snowed and the kids loved going outside in it!

On "Christmas" Day, while we prepared dinner, the kids played with their new Wii they got from their uncle.

Happy little Claire.

We began our celebration with acting out the true Christmas story.
 Mary and Joseph

 Riding the donkey to Bethlehem

 A sweet little sheep

"Unto you has been born a Saviour.....Glory to God in the Highest!"

The wisemen see the star!

Where is He who has been born?

An angel appears to the wisemen and warns them not to return to Herod.

Christmas - to be continued....

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a wonderful time. I definitely miss the Graber get-togethers. Love, Pat
