Friday, June 28, 2013

Bethpage, Mount of Olives, Garden of Gethsemane

Before we were ready, it was our last day in Israel


We got in the bus again and were driven to Bethpage, where Jesus would have gotten on the donkey to enter Jerusalem.   The name in Hebrew means “House of unripe figs” — recalling that in this area Jesus caused a fig tree with no fruit to wither.

The area is heavily barb wired as these believers in this area are harassed.

The "page" (pronounced pah-geh) which is the pre-season figs.
  (someone said "when does it become a Newton?")
 In Matthew 21, Jesus saw that the tree had leaves, but no fruit.  Jesus spoke about people who show themselves to be people of faith but fail to produce the fruit of faith.  Their faith is fraudulent.

There was a cemetery close by.

Inside the tomb

Someone began singing praises and we all began to chime in.
The acoustics was incredible in that little chapel.  Our hearts were just filled with praise to Him, who willingly rode into Jerusalem.  He knew what His purpose was.  What love!

 Next, we went to the Church of the Ascension (Pater Noster Church), built on the Mount of Olives, where Jesus announced the upcoming destruction of the Temple.

All over the church are these tiles with the Lord's Prayer written in every language.

 Walking downhill to the Garden of Gethsemane
 We were hanging on to Anna Belle with our lives so she wouldn't roll down hill!
 By sheer coincidence, someone Jim knew "happened" to drive by and gave her a lift!

The Church of Nations located in the Garden

This is said to be the stone that Jesus prayed to the Father on.

We know that following His agonizing cry, He submitted to the Father's will and gave up His life for us.

I posted about the burial of Christ in an earlier post.

Oh, His deep, deep love for us!!

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