Thursday, June 13, 2013

The cock crow, Bar Mitzvahs, flowers, and people

The current city of Jerusalem was destroyed in 70 AD.  
They have rebuilt it of course.  In many parts they are reconstructing the city.  And much is being excavated. 
They have been digging here for the past 20 years.
They are  down to the streets during the time of Christ.

From this pinnacle (this one has been reconstructed), a bugle would have sound out the "cock crow".  The Hebrews divided the night into 4 watches 
1, The “beginning of the watches” or “even” (Lam. ii. 19); 
2, “The middle watch” or “midnight” (Judg. vii. 19); 
3, “The cock-crowing;” 
4, “The morning watch” or “dawning” (Exod. xiv. 24).
The bugle was blown three times.  Sound familiar?  We always assumed that it was a rooster that was being referred to in Matthew 26, but most likely not. 

During Passover week, there were many Bar Mitzvahs.

It was so good to learn new things about the Word of God each day!

How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth! Psalm 119:103

Jim would give us lessons around 4 times a day!  LOVED it!!!  
I have fallen in LOVE with Christ more since I took this trip!  
I am captivated by His love!

We were told that Jesus would have taught on these steps.  Most of the wall is reconstructed, but if you look to the left, where the one wall comes into the other one, you can just see an arch where the actual gateway would have been.
Peter also would spoken on these steps, and Stephen with Caiaphas and Paul with Gamaliel.

City of David

Not sure if this boy is praying or looking through the glass to the level of excavation showing the city during David's lifetime.

 stone toilet seat

Pool of Siloam

Such beauty in this land!

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