Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Last weekend

This is the kids' last week in town.  
I don't think it will really sink in until after they move away.
I have a feeling I am going to have some lonely days.

On this last weekend for them in town, Hannah called me and asked if we could go garage sale-ing.  I LOVE to garage sale!  Especially with these two!

There were lots of garage sales this weekend!

We loaded up on lots of goodies!

Sunday evenings are our family night, when we eat together and then watch America's Funniest Home Videos.  This Sunday Adam had to fly out of town for a meeting and Mindy was not able to come either, so it was just Jill and the girls.  The girls got out the playdough toys that we got at a garage sale.  (This ice-cream maker is one I had from before and it has been a big hit for our girls)

They played for at least a couple of hours!

A playdough ice-cream and cookie dessert.  Yum!

We had to interrupt them for dinner.  It was such a nice evening so we ate out on the deck.

When I was picking out plants for the porch this spring, Hannah requested that I purchase another "sensitive plant".    It really is cool.
 When you touch the leaves, it folds up.

While the older girls are busy with playdough and outdoor play, Claire is learning to walk!

 We will celebrate her first birthday in the new house.  A half hour away.

I think we will need to put more money in our gas budget.

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