Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Beautiful day

I love the way God displays His glory in the sunrises here in Kansas!  Breathtaking!

The girls and I took a walk around the lake again.  (Hannah was at school)

Claire likes to take along baby dolls with her.  She loves to kiss them!
 Sophie likes to zoom down the bridge.

 Sophia learned how to jump onto the swing by herself and go flying!

This morning in "Our Daily Bread" I read the following:

Wherever we look in the world around us, we see evidence that 'the whole earth is full of His glory!'  (Isa. 6:3)  What is amazing is that the creation that surrounds us is damaged by sin (see Rom. 8:18-22), yet God has seen fit to grace our fallen landscape with these loving brushstrokes of His creative hand.  It serves as a daily reminder that the beauty of His grace covers our sin and that His love for that which is fallen is always available to us.  - Joe Stowell

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