Monday, October 7, 2013

Pumpkin Patch

On Friday, the temps hovered close to 90 degrees.  Definitely short sleeves weather.  And air-conditioning.

A front moved through during the night.  It rained and temperatures dropped.  We woke up to a chilly 40 degrees!  And it was not to get above 60's that day.

That is Kansas, folks!  You will hear it said "If you don't like the weather, wait a day!"

 Allen had to work at the hospital on Saturday, but Jill called and asked if I'd like to meet them at Papa's Pumpkin Patch.   I put on 4 layers of clothes and went to enjoy the morning with the grandchildren in the brisk air.

There is a cool slide that the children (and grownups) love going down!  There were not many people at all; the Braun's and Claassen's, also spending a cold morning with grandchildren.

Claire is so dead-pan.  Cracks me up, since the other 2 girls are so expressive as they go down the slide! 


Money and candy scramble

 We walked over to the pumpkin patch to pick our pumpkins.


Notice that Claire is wearing a shirt that says "Pumpkin Patch"!

Claire LOVES her pumpkin!

This is the face Claire makes when you say "Smile, Claire!"

They have a really fun playground there!  Tunnels, tires, barrel swings, etc.

I overheard Sophia say something like "wouldn't it be great if Nana had a playground like this in her back yard?!"

Any good farm needs pigs; pumpkin eating pigs, especially for a pumpkin farm!

 The train ride was just a little cold!  Brrrrrr!!

Luckily, there was a fire pit to warm up at.

And HOT cocoa and pumpkin bars!

We went to weigh the pumpkins and pay.

Such a fun place to come to every year!

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