Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas with my parents

The home my parents live at invited family members to come for a supper last week.

Carolers showed up and my Dad enjoyed singing with them so much!

Then the home had a Christmas Extravaganza on the 23rd!
Families and friends were invited to a Christmas party.


 Dobson, the resident therapy dog.

 My Dad played the part of Santa for many, many years.    There are just some things he can't do anymore. The new Santa looks a little feminine?  She sounds it too.  When she was reading the story, her voice would change from a deep "Ho ho ho" to a higher pitch.  It was pretty funny!

Mom took us to the Bread Basket for lunch.

On Christmas Day, our kids were all busy.  Mindy was at work, Jill's family was having other people over and our son's family won't be here until after the new year.  So the folks and us decided to have a quiet Christmas dinner together.  A sweet time.

 Afterwards we drove Mom and Dad around town looking at Christmas lights for about an hour.

This home belongs to our friends.  Way to go Pankratz's!!

We were passing my Dad's cousin's house and Mom told us that this cousin was experiencing memory loss. Then she said "Quite often memory loss what was I going to say?"  

Hope your Christmas has been a delightful one!  We look forward to celebrating more when our son arrives the first week of January, as others are tearing down their decorations.  It is wonderful that He is Emmanuel, God with us, even when the holiday is over.  He is our Light, ever present in this dark world.  My heart is filled with joy that He came to this world.  What love!!

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