Sunday, February 9, 2014


When she was told that she was going to Nana's house, Claire began to dance a jig and exclaim"Gaga!  Gaga!"

It brings me such joy to know that the kids love to come to my house to see me!  Maybe it is the yummy snacks I provide, or the fun toys or cool phone and not necessarily me?  Ha!!  Whatever - they love to come!!

I was thinking about that this morning during my devotion time. God says He delights when we love to come in His presence too!

Psalm 43:4 "...You are the source of my happiness.  I will play my harp and sing praise to You, O God, my God."

Psalm 149:3,4  "Let them praise His Name with dancing and make music to Him with tambourines and harp. The Lord takes great delight in His people and crowns the humble with salvation."

I should break out in a jig!!

* * * * * * *

The day they came, it was really cold in our home as our heater had broke.  A repairman was coming in the late afternoon, but in the meantime I lit the fireplaces and the electric heater.  So blessed to have alternative heating!  So many don't, or can't afford to have it fixed.
 Claire did not go near the fireplaces.  Promise.  She would stay 3-4 feet back and say "Hot!"

We were bundled up and stayed warm.

We have a fireplace in the basement too, and Claire wanted to visit her playhouse under the stairs.
 Sissy wanted to play on my phone.
 Claire likes to set the table and pretend to eat.
 She put her baby to bed.

 Sissy was offered a drink.

Too soon mommy was coming to pick them up.  "Time to go upstairs, Claire."

As I sang (tune:  London Bridge)
We will listen and obey, and obey, and obey,
We will listen and obey, that is what I'll do.
     she made this pouty face.

It brings a grandma such joy to have her grandkids want to spend time with you!  I think it brings our Heavenly Father much joy when we desire to be with Him too!

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