Friday, April 11, 2014

Filling in

Jill and Adam attended T4G ("Together for the Gospel" - a biennial conference for pastors and church leaders) held in Kentucky.

I was called to fill in and take care of the children.  Can you believe I was only packing for 4 days??

When you have a big trunk, you can take lots of things to do with the kids!

The kids were watching for me when I drove up!

What a fun time we had!  We had crafts to do... 

we painted Easter eggs,
                    and played outside.

Going for a walk.

But of course, their mom had tasks for them to do each day.  Like guitar and piano practice.

and feeding the guinea pigs. 

On Wednesday morning, Sandi, Adam's mother, came to spend the day.  I was able to go to my young mother's Bible study group, walk with my friend Sheryl and take a nice nap!

 Papa spent the day with us on Thursday.

There was library story time for Sophia on Thursday morning.  While she was doing that, Papa, Claire and I went to the coffee shop, the hardware store and the thrift store.   

 Papa had several projects to work on in the afternoon.  Like fixing the swing.  Sophia did not have any school on Thursday because of kindergarten round up so she helped Papa.

 When Hannah got out of school, she was so excited to see the swing back up!

Papa trimmed some branches in the pine so the girls could climb the tree!

They loved getting up so high!

Claire is almost 2 and so has begun to throw little fits when things don't go her way.

But mostly she is just fun!
Singing on the microphone...

and to her kitty.

Playing with her babies... she LOVES babies!
Calls them "Wah, wahs" since the "babies on the bus go wah wah wah all day long".

The night I fixed spaghetti, we stripped her down to her diaper.  
Such a mess!
Of course a "baf" was in order.

After her bath, she has started a new game.  She runs all over the house all nakedy with only her hooded bath towel on.  She LOVES it!  Of course when it is time to finish the game and get pjs on, she will let you know she is not happy with that plan!

The girls have gotten hooked on "Gilligan's Island" so they watched an episode each night while I got Claire ready for bed.

When I put her to bed, we read books, then pray and sing.
A song I sang this week was "Oh, how I love Jesus."
"Oh Claire do you love Jesus,
Oh, yes I love Jesus.
Are you sure you love Jesus
Yes I'm sure I love Jesus.
And why do you love Jesus
I'll tell you the reason,
Because He first loved me.
Oh, how I love Jesus
Oh, how I love Jesus,
Oh, how I love Jesus,
Because He first loved me."
Then the next verse I insert Sophia's name.  Followed by Hannah's name.
Mommy.  Daddy.
Papa. Nana.
Gramsie.  Granddad.
and others if I don't fall asleep first.
Which I did one night.

The girls got in 2 episodes of "Gilligan's Island"!

I love this chalkboard that Jill has in her dining room. 

And I really love this message for this month!

What a blessing to fill in sometimes!

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