Sunday, July 6, 2014

The Fourth

I will take a little break from writing about our trip to Dauphin Island, 
to post about July 4.

On the evening of the 4th, we went to be with my parents at Kidron.

Kidron was having a celebration - a pulled pork dinner, bluegrass music groups, silent bids on baskets and fireworks too.  

 Aunt Belva - she was a fellow missionary in Japan and a good friend to my parents and to us.  Even though we are not really related (well, I guess we are very distantly) she feels like family.

Aunt Belva and Uncle Verney were my very first dorm parents when I was in the 1st grade.
 Line up for the pulled pork.
 Friends from church came to enjoy the evening.

  I thought this was very creative!                                        
 This guy was wearing a hat with a $2 sticker attached.  I love to people watch!  He was very interesting and really bounced to the music!

 Do you see the patriotic people behind Al?

  Quite a few people dressed in red, white and blue, but this couple really stood out!

Good job, Kidron!  We enjoyed the evening!

I appreciate the freedoms we have had in this country.  It seems more and more those are being taken away. 
                                       We all enjoy personal independence don't we?  

"Craving political or personal independence is one thing; daring to pursue spiritual independence is problematic.  What we need instead is a recognition and acceptance of our deep spiritual dependence.  Jesus said 'I am the vine, you are the branches.  He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.'  John 15:5

Far from being self-reliant, we are totally and eternally dependent on the One who died to set us free.  Every day is our 'dependence day'."   --  The Daily Bread

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