Wednesday, September 17, 2014


We enjoyed celebrating Sophia's 7th birthday.
After the gifts were opened, Sophia wanted to play with them right away!

Of course Sophia wanted to try out her new scooter!
We had instructed Josh's to bring their kids' scooters because I knew they would all want to scoot around!

Jill sent me a picture of Sophie in her Dolly and Me outfit from Gramsie.

Sophie loved her gifts!

What about us?  I was wondering about this the other day.  What gifts has God given me?  Am I delighted with them?  Do I "play" with them - use them for Him?  

I once saw a little child on Funniest Home Videos that opened up a gift and threw it down.  How he pouted and even screamed that he didn't want it!  He was so mad about what he was given! 


I believe God gives each of us the perfect gift just for us.  Thank Him for it.  Then go out and use it!! Don't throw it back at Him or hide it somewhere never to be used.

God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another.  1 Peter 4:10

Some more pictures from that day:

 Josh took this photo of the sky on the way home.

Glad our son and his family could make it to the Sunflower state for the party!

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