Monday, November 10, 2014

Pumpkin Patch

Sophia's class was going on a field trip to Walter's Pumpkin Patch and she wanted to know if Nana would go with her.  I told her I would love to!!  It was on a Monday, the day I watch Claire, so she came too!  We followed the bus.

I'd never been here before.  It is a great place for the family!

 Look at the super cool playground!!  What fun for the children!

Claire and I took a little walk.
 "Hi goats!"
She waves at them -  so cute!

"Hi baby cow!" 
 When we got back to the playground, they were gathering the children for a wagon ride out to the pumpkin patch.

There was this huge slide out there - but not for the elementary kids today.
 The farmer spoke to the children.  He asked if any of them were brave.
 I noticed that Sophia raised her hand timidly only half way.  But when he asked if they would be brave enough to reach inside a pumpkin to pull out it's "brains", then she raised her hand all the way up!
 "I've done that before!"

After some instructions, off we went to the pumpkin patch.

"Do you want this one, Claire?"  "Uh-huh."

 On the ride back to the main place, somehow Claire lost her shoe!  This nice dad went running back for it!  So thankful!

Claire had to pet this sleeping kitty. 
"Whoa!" she said.  I had to laugh!

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