Sunday, December 14, 2014


We have been having some  breath-taking mornings!  As my friend, "Pastor Steve" would say, "It's glorious!"  Yes, it is!  As I like to say, "God gives us a new painting each day!"

Recently I heard a lot of commotion outside.
 In the field to the north, there was an assembly going on.  LOTS of Canada geese....and one sole snow goose
 In the nearby birch I heard a blue jay scolding.  I don't think he appreciated all the geese.

Yesterday I saw a flicker pecking at the willow tree.

Another morning, it was drizzly and I caught the raindrops on the willow.

Let my teaching fall like rain and my words descend like dew,
 like showers on new grass, like abundant rain on tender plants.
Deut. 32:2

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