Saturday, December 6, 2014

Moving mom

A week ago, we all went to Grace Fellowship. Mindy and Bryan picked up my mom.  Adam was preaching and with Josh's here for Thanksgiving weekend, Adam had asked him to lead worship.  We enjoyed listening to him practice Rich Mullins "Creed" a couple of nights before.


Claire did sing some, but she enjoyed making faces in my camera too.

After church was finished and they were taking down everything, a girl asked Josh if she could try playing the hammer dulcimer.  He gave her a little lesson and she took off with it.

We all went to Jill's for lunch. 
Mindy and Bryan had to go to his family's house for their Thanksgiving dinner.


After lunch, Dave took mom home and spent the day with her.

I had to get to the play, The Christmas Birdie, where I helped with props (another blog).

Josh's had to leave for home in Arkansas and Adam's family took naps.

Less than a week later, unexpectedlly, my mother was feeling so much weaker that it was necessary to move her into healthcare.  Jill came to help me.  A big plus is that Dad and Mom get to eat meals together now!  Do you see how happy he is?

 Mom was at peace about this.  She is surprised by how suddenly her health has taken a turn for the worse, but she has joy in knowing that her life is in the Father's loving arms.

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