Friday, September 19, 2014

Lessons learned

Here are just a few more pictures from the week the kids were here

A little silliness

When his daddy was three, he wanted to be a trash man when he grew up


Playing with Nana's Creation flannelgraph

Going around the lake
 When we went around the lake, I was walking and the kids were on their scooters.  I went over the one rule - they had to be able to see me at all times and I had to be able to see them.  They can go mighty fast on those scooters and my legs cannot keep up!

 They did pretty good on following the rule, until we began to head home.

I called and called but they zoomed out of sight.  When I got to the fork on the path, I was not sure whether to continue going on the path that goes further around the lake or whether to head back to the house. 

Dilema.  Which way do I go?

I decided to try the path to the house.  I let out a sigh of relief to see the scooters laying on the garage floor!  Of course we had to have a little talk and some time out for not obeying those rules.  


Sometimes I run ahead of God....don't wait for Him.  Of course, He will never lose sight of me.  He always knows where I am.  But how much better to wait and walk along life's path with Him.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


We enjoyed celebrating Sophia's 7th birthday.
After the gifts were opened, Sophia wanted to play with them right away!

Of course Sophia wanted to try out her new scooter!
We had instructed Josh's to bring their kids' scooters because I knew they would all want to scoot around!

Jill sent me a picture of Sophie in her Dolly and Me outfit from Gramsie.

Sophie loved her gifts!

What about us?  I was wondering about this the other day.  What gifts has God given me?  Am I delighted with them?  Do I "play" with them - use them for Him?  

I once saw a little child on Funniest Home Videos that opened up a gift and threw it down.  How he pouted and even screamed that he didn't want it!  He was so mad about what he was given! 


I believe God gives each of us the perfect gift just for us.  Thank Him for it.  Then go out and use it!! Don't throw it back at Him or hide it somewhere never to be used.

God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another.  1 Peter 4:10

Some more pictures from that day:

 Josh took this photo of the sky on the way home.

Glad our son and his family could make it to the Sunflower state for the party!

Monday, September 15, 2014

Sophia turns 7!

 A couple of weeks ago, Sophia turned 7!

Adam and his dad grilled some burgers.
I think there might have been a little fire involved?? (hence the water?)
Notice also the Green Bay logo on the spatula!

It was a dolphin party!

 My mother was not able to come as she wasn't feeling well, but she sent along little gifts for all the children.  They opened those first before Sophia began on her presents.

 When Claire opened up her little alphabets, she immediately burst into song!

Then it was Sophia's turn....

Matching clothes - "Dolly and Me"!


 Happy birthday, Sophia!!

 My how you've grown (and my, how I've aged too!!)