Saturday, May 23, 2015

zoo critters, part 2

Hannah loves to take pictures and a lot of these are her shots.


 We got a chuckle out of the way this guy was resting.  His siblings were resting the normal way, but he was basking all sprawled out.

Claire claimed this was Elsa's castle

Time for a break -

Hannah and Sophia were counting how many seconds the hippos were staying under water before taking a breath.  "89......108......128"  
                                                  Claire had to count too.  " Eleventeen!"

There were these cute children from a day care.  
I thought the use of bandanas was pretty smart to keep track of the kiddos!

 Claire didn't get to see a kitty at the zoo like she wanted, but she did see a
                           meer kat!
Is it a kitty? she asked.
 What a hoot!!  He seemed relaxed for awhile.
               But planes weren't the only thing flying overhead.

All of a sudden the meerkats became all alert, looking in the sky and making a chirping sound.

 They didn't settle down until after the hawk had flown off.

A BIG cat!

That evening, when Claire got home, she told her Daddy
 "The giraffe was taller than you!"

The next day, the girls came to my house while Jill and Adam went on a date.  The girls set up the basement like the Sedgwick County Zoo.  First the flamingos, the barn to the right, the chimps on the left....

I've collected lots of stuffed animals over the years to use with teaching children stories of creation or Noah's ark at church.  The girls had to add an oceanic section with seals, whales...   Hannah even took time to write to the zoo officials to make a suggestion to add such a section!

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