Thursday, October 1, 2015

Going up Mount Evans

On Saturday, we met up with Mindy and Bryan.  On the agenda for the day - to go up Mt. Evans!  14,240 feet at the summit, it is one of the 14ers in Colorado.
 It took us awhile to get out of Denver due to traffic jams (there were several accidents.  Go figure.  Traffic in Denver is crazy!)  It was a good time for Claire to take her nap though.

What a view as we climbed higher and higher!
 He who forms the mountains, who creates the wind, and who reveals his thoughts to mankind, who turns dawn to darkness, and treads on the heights of the earth-- the LORD God Almighty is his name.
Amos 4:13

Lots of hairpin turns

Leaving the timberline behind.

We had to stop to see these mountain goats

 We continued climbing higher.  Jill and I were pretty much freaking out thinking about the drive down and being so close to the cliff edge!

 We made it!

We all had to have our picture taken at the top to prove we made the drive!

Bryan offered a dollar to the first person to see a marmot.

I didn't take this picture since no one else saw this critter but this is what it looks like.  Kind of like a beaver without the paddle tail.

 Unfortunately, Jill, myself and the girls all had some mild altitude sickness.  Lightheadedness, fatigue and stomach aches.  We were ready to get off this mountain!

 Adam tried to take the center lane as much as possible for Jill's sake.

But not always.  If another car was coming...

Bighorn sheep


We listened to lots of Veggie Tale music.
"Anybody, dance now!"
And she would "dance" in her seat. 

The aspens were just beautiful!!

 We felt much safer closer to the bottom of that mountain!!

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