Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Turkey, from the bus

We left Pisidian Antioch, in the mountainous region of Galatia.  Paul would have sent the letter to the Galatians to these people (previous post).   After a visit at the museum, the bus left for Isparta, where we would be spending the night.

These photos were taken from the bus.  They aren't the best photos, but they give you an idea of what the country looks like.  It is a beautiful country and the people are so interesting!

There are many girls who do wear a head covering but the majority we saw did not.

                               Kimberly and Mary
Jim, our teacher, and Belgin.  

Belgin was a wonderful guide! Please pray for her and her family during this crisis in Turkey!

When we were there, we were told that tourism was down 95%.  Can you even imagine what will happen now since the attack at the airport?  This really affects people like Belgin.

 Our Wichita companions.

 The mountains are just so pretty!

 Turkish nationalism.  We saw flags everywhere!
 When we arrived in Isparta, they had such beautiful landscaping in the medians.

Belgin told us that this area is known for its roses.    There were roses everywhere!

Notice that the stop light pole is also lit up.

Even the buses had roses painted on the side.

 Aren't roses a symbol for love?

When we arrived at the Barida Hotel, they offered rose juice (non-alcoholic) to us.

I took one sip - it tasted like roses, or rose perfume.  
I wasn't a fan.

Our room was modern with the towels shaped like swans, all fancy like on the bed.

Something that was surprising to me was that even with the modern set-up, they don't have the infrastructure to let you flush toilet paper.  It was the same at most places in Turkey, Greece and Rome.  Modern - but not.

The view from our room.

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