Wednesday, August 17, 2016

End of season

It is soon the end of summer.  The local schools have started and I realized I didn't post about the kids' fun summer sport!  The older girls found their niche joining swim team this summer!

We were so glad to be able to make it to one of Emeri's swim meets in Arkansas too!

They have announcers at their swim meet.  Staci sent this play by play.  

Kansas swim team

The kids mark the race # on their arms so when they hear the announcer call out the races, they know it is time to go line up.

They like to mark up their backs too!
Sophie was on a relay team and they generally skunked the other teams.  At one meet, a college swim coach was there and he said to her "Is it too early to talk about scholarships?"  We got a kick out of that.

Claire cheers her sisters on. 
 Between swims we camp out under the canopy.  The kids play quietly or eat (a lot!)

At the Hesston meet, Adam and I took Claire to the waterpark afterwards for her own type of fun.

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