Friday, September 16, 2016

After the rain

Denslow's Mother Goose, by Anonymous

It rained off and on all morning.  The clouds rumbled a lot!

 Although the rain gauge only said we had an inch, the ground has become saturated from rains all week so there was a little flooding.
I decided to take a walk around the lake to check it out.  Al was napping when I left.

 This was a picture taken a couple of days ago.  See the heron searching for lunch?
  And this was this afternoon.  The creek (or "crick" as Al pronounces it) is up just a little, yes?

The great egret, or Edna, as we lovingly call her, was posed by the lake

     but as I came closer, she took off.  Such beauty!

 These mushrooms are huge - like the size of my hand!

 The water is up to the dock pad.

As I rounded the path, I noticed the path was covered with water.

Good thing I'm wearing my Keens.  

 The great blue heron, or Willard, was just around the bend.  As I drew closer, he quietly inched further and further away from me and finally he flew off too.
  I have never taken a shot from this angle and noticed our willow tree really looks nice by the bridge!

 And the mystery bird - I think it is a reddish egret.
 Any other ideas?

He flew off across the lake to join Willard and Edna.

 The flowers are enjoying the rain, I think!

 It looks like the weathermen are saying no rain until the later part of next week.
The ground has had enough for awhile, I think.

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