Saturday, November 26, 2016

Thanksgiving with the family, part 1

This verse has resonated with me this past week.  I read it in my devotions one morning, our pastor said it in his sermon, and it was in my Sunday school lesson with my 2-3 year olds.  God IS GOOD.  He is worthy of our thanks and our praise!  Always!

We had not planned on going out of town for Thanksgiving.  We had other plans, but those plans fell through.  Our son and daughter encouraged us to go to Arkansas so that's what we ended up doing and we are so glad we did!  We rode down with Jill's family.

The last time we went to Arkansas, there was so much construction that we 
decided to take the Tulsa route.  We always turn at Tontitown to head to the kids' house.  But Google Maps gave another alternative that was quite an adventure!

The grandchildren had so much fun together!

Father/son making dinner
Sneaking a bite of carmel apple pie the day before Thanksgiving.

On Thanksgiving Day, the kids watched "Elf" in anticipation of what comes after the Thanksgiving holiday!
 Making Thanksgiving dinner name place cards.

Carving the turkey

Ham too!
                                Staci's parents joined us!
Kids table.

Sophia:  This meal is a work of art!

Adult table

We had LOTS of dessert.  Emeri decorated this Thanksgiving chocolate cake.  Sooo moist and good!

After dinner, Dan took us on a hayrack ride.

When it got dark, we headed for downtown Fayetteville to see the lights. 



And the youngest got to visit with Santa.
"Is this beard real?"

The following day was Black Friday.  I am not one to shop in crowds - at all!!  And these two did their shopping on-line.  Got some pretty good deals!

Thankful for our Thanksgiving and especially for the One Who came for us in that manger.
Christmas decorating will begin soon!

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