Sunday, February 19, 2017

Swings and Catttails

There is a swing in the forrest behind our home that begs being swung on.

 Our kids had a date in the big city and the grandkids came to play.  It is February....can you believe the girls were in shorts?  It was just a beautiful day!

 There is a little swing, just Claire's size...
 but she did eventually get brave enough to ride on the big swing that swings over the gully.

Hannah had us pose for photos.

 A few silly ones too

On the way back to the house, the girls had fun with the cattails in the creek,
(usually pronounced "krick" in this neck of the woods).

"It's like we live inside a snow globe!"

 It is not fun getting the seeds in the mouth, however.  ugh.

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