Thursday, March 22, 2018

Prier "Hotel"

Generally when we visit the kids, we stay right next door at Staci's parents' house, otherwise known as the "Prier Hotel".  We get along quite well and one evening the 4 of us stayed up until 11PM talking!   Way past time for grandparents!   

They have deer that wander about their acreage.

 And lots of birds too!

Saturday was St. Patrick's day.  Al and I wore green.  Eli claimed he was wearing green underware!  Dan and Lisa's friend is in an Irish band that was playing at a little hole in the wall so we had to go, of course!  Irish music and barbecue!  Good combination!

Saturday afternoon was a good time to shoot off Eli's rocket that he got for Christmas.

Oh NO!  We didn't get far enough away from the trees!
A tree gobbled the parachute up!

It reminded me of Charlie Brown's kite eating tree.

 The boys fixing dinner later that evening.  Josh is a good cook!  We ate pretty good this weekend!

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