Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Bird walk with kids

It's no secret that I enjoy birds.    So when I offered to watch some kids from church one afternoon,  the mom suggested I take her kids on a nature/bird walk.

First I told them a "kamishibai" story.  A kamishibai is a paper play story and my mom had this one from her years in Japan as a kindergarten teacher and missionary.  Now I am enjoying sharing it with little children.

The story is on the back of page after it.  You keep flipping pages as you tell the story.

"Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?"  Matt. 6:26

I had made bird books for the kids and we marked off which birds we saw or heard.

 Al and I had planted trees in our neighborhood and I had the kids help me water them.  We have been so dry here in Kansas!!  There is a possibility of rain this coming weekend.  A good soaking rain.  We surely do hope so!  I know the wheat farmers are hoping for that too!

 We saw several crows.

 The forest swing is always fun!

I had baked some bird shaped cookies and the kids colored the frosting and frosted their bird cookies.

"Wait, it needs sprinkles!"

Then we made a snack for the hummingbirds and orioles that will be arriving soon!

 I generally make the hummingbird nectar with 1 part sugar with 4 parts water.  No need to add red coloring.  In fact, they say you shouldn't.  But I had a premixed package that needed using (it came with the feeder) so I used that.
The oriole is 1 part sugar to 6 parts water.  
And an orange half.
And some grape jelly!

Anticipation of their arrival!

We had a good afternoon!  
And the kids learned a little bit about birds.

The birds upon the tree tops sing their song;
The angels chant their chorus all day long;
The flowers in the garden blend their hue,
So why shouldn't I, why shouldn't you praise Him too?

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