Monday, July 9, 2018

Injuries at the beach

Unfortunately, we had our share of injuries at the beach.

Eli busted his ear drum early in the week!
That meant no more playing in the water, although he was allowed sometimes to venture in just a little if Dad or Mom were by to make sure no water got into his ear.

Hannah sprained her ankle; it was swollen and she limped around for a few days.

Sophia got stung by a jelly fish!

Something was eating Adam's foot.
 Papa got scraped up when a wave pushed him down.

I got an infection under my arm (no photo).
Papa and I also got heat rashes.

There were a few sunburns, despite a heavy dose of sun lotion.

Claire said:
"The ocean is a dangerous place!"

I was reading when I noticed this catamaran struggling with the winds and waves.  It tipped over!

 For awhile I didn't see anyone.  It was too far out for me to go and rescue anyone!  What should we do?
 It wasn't long and we saw the 2 people who had been capsized pull it back up.

  Thank goodness!!  Safe!
 One morning, as a fishing vessel was going by, Staci decided she wanted to see the dolphins up close.  They closely follow the ships.

 She turned around.  She decided she didn't want to be added to the list of injured! 
(on-line photo - we didn't really see a shark but Staci could imagine one!!)

 Perhaps next time we ought to rent us a little boat and follow the fishing boat like these people.

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