Tuesday, August 28, 2018

In between travels

We were home for 3 weeks before we were off to Colorado.  During that time...

we celebrated our 43rd anniversary!

 Prairie Pines -  Frivolity and Romance.

My friends and I enjoyed sewing for Dress A Girl!

We went to the Manor to help push people in wheelchairs to the chapel for a singing time.

Oh, yes, the WONDER of it all!
Sunsets and sunrises, flowers and birds, 
the love of a couple, and good friends,
but the greatest wonder of all - 
just to think that God loves each of us!

I enjoyed my back yard.

The canna have gotten so tall!

Canna grew in my prefecture of Miyazaki in Japan.  I love them!

Aren't these mushrooms wild?!

 We watered some baby trees around the neighborhood.

 Love my bike!  A couple of friends broke bones from falling off their bikes (I also have fallen but luckily caught myself!)  so Al got me this bike.

 We enjoyed the birds around our home. 
Geese crossing.  They like the new little pond that has been dug to the south of us.
 Birds visit daily at my house.

We enjoyed the magnificent clouds!

Praise the Lord from the earth,
    you creatures of the ocean depths,
              fire and hail, snow and clouds,
                       wind and weather that obey Him,
 mountains and all hills,
    fruit trees and all cedars,
                    wild animals and all livestock,
                               small scurrying animals and birds,
 Let them all praise the name of the Lord.
    For His name is very great;
      His glory towers over the earth and heaven!
from Psalm 148

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