Saturday, September 29, 2018

Going to the office

On Saturday morning, Josh fixed some waffles and German sausage.  Mmmm!

It had rained a lot the day before so Eli's soccer game was cancelled.
Instead, the family took us on a little tour.
First, we drove by Fellowship's church branch in Fayetteville, 
where Staci's parents attend.

We picked up groceries at Walmart and then went through the car wash.  We noticed a Green Bay Packer fan with a Wisconsin plate filling up.  He accidentally parked the wrong way and had to stretch his gas line around the back of the car.

 Car wash!

I love this road to Staci's workplace.

Staci works part-time as a pediatric nurse practitioner.  She took us to her new office.

We got our height checked.

                                 It won't be too long before the kids pass me up!

The rooms are painted so sweet!

That's a picture of Eli when he was oh-so-little!
Staci's favorite room.  She LOVES the beach! 

 She painted this paint-by-number.  She did a great job!

Next we went to Josh's new office.

 We accidentally tripped the alarm.  It was LOUD!!

 There's the cross we worked on at our house once.  It is made from old computer key board keys.

 Do you see Han Solo among the camera collection above?

 The super eight camera and film strip projector used to be my dad's.

 Event room and worship practice room.
 Room for film making and picture taking for the Creative Arts guys.

 It was fun taking the tour and seeing the places God has the kids working for Him.

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