Friday, October 26, 2018

Between trips

I was home for less than a week before we were off on another trip.  Between trips:

I helped teach a Bible study with my friend Sarah.  We are studying an overview of the Bible using Walk through the Bible materials and things we have learned going to Israel.  Sarah's brother leads groups there.   Here is an old picture of us.  But we haven't changed much - have we?

This was our very first young mother's group in 2009! 

 We need to get a picture of this year's group!

I went to my "old ladies", excuse me, "gracefully aging older women" friends' Bible study.  Here we are sewing for Dress A Girl.  I haven't got a picture of us this year either.

We are sewing dresses for young girls and will sew shorts for the young boys at a children's home in Haiti.

The book we are studying is called "Making Peace with Your Emotions", a Women of Faith series.  I love studying with these women and praying for one another!

This year we are also going out for lunch in groups of 3 or 4 once a month so that we can get to know one another in a smaller setting.

We went to see the movie "God Bless the Broken Heart" with friends Dave and Marilyn and Sally and Robert.

We cried through the whole thing!

We visited Grace Fellowship in Hillsboro, the church our son-in-law used to pastor before being called to Wisconsin.  They used to meet in the grade school but have built a beautiful new facility!

 Our friends, the Friesens also came to help celebrate the new church.  Luke does chores for us when we are on our many trips we go on; feeding the birds, watering plants, etc.

It is so beautifully crafted, much of it done by the people attending the church!

 We attended a celebration of the 70 years of Israel as a nation.

I got my flu shot too!

Thought I better since I help with Awana Cubbies!  Adorable little 3 and 4 year olds!!

And then, another trip to go on....

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