Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Before the guys left

We got to the kids' home at 4.  The girls had just gotten home from school.  They said they needed to practice for the prelude for their Christmas program at church.  Since we wouldn't be able to be there, we enjoyed the preview!

O Come, O Come Emmanuel

"I 'm going to play the flute someday"

We went out to eat that evening.

 The next day, it was time for the guys to leave for a study tour to Israel.  

A couple from their church came to give them a ride to the Chicago airport.

 Last hugs!

We would have a great time, even though Al and Adam would be in the Holy Land for just over two weeks.  We went to the grocery store and let the girls pick out the sugar bomb cereals of their choice!  Ha!

Claire was a little sad about her daddy leaving but I pointed to her shirt ("Happy") and said instead of thinking about how sad she was, to think about the joy and good time her daddy and Papa would be having and be happy for them!

Philippians 2:4  Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.

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