Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Celebrations at Christmas

'Tis the season!  
What fun to enjoy Christmas parties with friends!

My first party was with Sarah and our young mother's Bible study group.  We met in the fireside room at our church.  Of course, we had to light the fire for ambiance!

See the presents by the fireplace?  We each looked for an item at home that was still in good shape, but perhaps you don't use it, but someone else might!  These gifts were numbered and we were all assigned the same number as our gift and had to write down something about ourselves that others might not know.

     "I can wiggle my ears."  (Yes, she proved it.  I can also do it!)
     "I was bitten by a bear and lived to tell about it."
     "I wanted to be a CEO of a big company."
     "I grew up in the country in a 2 story yellow house (then she added "in Nebraska" and that gave it away! - Andrea!!)
     "Loves to bake at Christmas time."
     "Have a scar on my back from the doctor cutting me in utero during a c-section."  (YIKES!)

The person who guessed who wrote it, got the present from that person.  It was such a fun and enlightening game!

The bear story?  Me.  OK, it was at a petting zoo and the big bear that "mauled" me, err, nipped at me was a little bear cub.  But it makes for a good story!  And the CEO?  She now has her own wedding venue so is, in fact, with her husband and their friends, the "CEO" of this!
Lots to eat and just have fun!  We missed Hannah, but she was getting ready for the arrival of a new born baby - who is now here!!  Congratulations to you and your family!!!
 This year we studied "HisStory", a look at the Bible as a whole story.  I was in my 20's before I connected all the dots.  I could tell you details about many of the stories of the Bible, but didn't realize it is all really one BIG story!  There really is a story line!  So we did a book by book look at how these books look toward the Saviour, the ONE we are celebrating this Christmas!

A children's story book Bible that explains this one continuous story is:

For our gift to the moms, we got them this book, "Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing", which is one I am using along with my Bible reading. 

The wife of a friend of mine who was in my class in Japan had it posted on her Facebook page when she was diagnosed with brain cancer.  I asked her about it and she shared with me about it.  She taught art at our school in Japan and I think the pictures really spoke to her, but the words too!  You would think it is a children's book, but it is GOOD for grownups!  I read a page at a time and it really speaks to me!  Little nuggets of truth from the Word.  Thank you, Lois, for directing me to it!  Rick and Lois were such an encouragement to thousands as they walked this path.  They kept trusting in God's perfect plan and had such peace.  Lois died in August.  Please pray for Rick as he seeks God's direction for him in the coming years without Lois at his side.

The next day I had a party (Christmas brunch) with my Old(er) friends at Sally's house.

 Her house was decorated so very pretty!

 After eating, we had our Bible study.  We have been going through a Women of Faith Bible study on emotions.  A couple of ladies led it for the most part and they did an excellent job of leading us to the One Who holds us in our circumstances, whether difficult or joyful.  A couple were missing this day because they are walking in hard times and just were not able to come.

 These friends of mine have been so much fun!  And such prayer warriors too!  How they love the Lord and I am learning each week how to draw closer to Him.

I will post about some more parties in the next post.

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