Monday, January 14, 2019

Our family

I told the children we had to take family pictures.  This past year, I had several friends pass away.  We never know what the next year will bring.  The obituary is filled with people not only in their 90's, but young people, younger than me!  Even children.

2013 - This was our last photo with both of my parents.  We would never have guessed that by Christmas 2014, my mother would no longer be with us.

1987 - This was our last picture with Al's parents both living.  We knew it would be the last one, as Mom had been diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer.  She passed away in August, 1988.

Treasure your family.  Pray for each one.  
I love the following prayer that Anne Graham Lotz wrote:

We pray for our families.  Father God, we ask You for what we know Your heart’s desire is.  Please.  Bring every single member of our families to a saving knowledge of Jesus before judgment comes, either at Your return or at their death. We will refrain from giving You suggestions on how to do this, but we ask You to do it.  We know in answer to Abraham’s prayer, You didn’t save everyone, but You did save His family.  You sent Your angels to drag them out of danger.6 If You would do it for Abraham, then in answer to our prayers which we offer in the name of Your Son and our Savior, Jesus Christ, would You please do it for us? Save our loved ones. Snatch them from the fire.  Drag them out of their sin.  O God of mercy, we can hardly bare the thought of going to Heaven without them.  We give You permission to do whatever it takes to get them there.
I pray for the salvation of my ______________
In the meantime, until You save our families, would You please use us to save someone else’s family? Give us a sensitivity to Your Spirit so that we follow His lead, go where He directs, speak to whoever He brings across our path, say what He brings to our minds and lips? Give us the joy of being the answer to someone else’s prayer as we lead their loved ones to trust in Jesus. Living Word of God, in these days of turmoil and fear, hopelessness and helplessness, sinfulness and wickedness…in these days of bad news, don’t let us be silent! We have Good News!  Compel us by our gratitude for the Cross, our love for our Savior, our compassion for a broken world, to open our mouths and just give them Jesus!
I pray for the salvation of ______________

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