Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Snow day

 It snowed about 12 1/2 inches on Monday.  School had been called off the day before in anticipation.

It was just beautiful!   Big, large flakes.

The city was johnny on the spot, clearing roads.  In Kansas where we live, the city does not clear our residential streets.  This snow plow came by twice that day that I saw.

 No school means lots of playing.  Claire wanted to make a movie.  She calls them "Claire's Night Out." 

 I told the girls they could stay in pajamas all day if they wanted.  We had lunch in the basement and watched "The Waltons".   
Image result for The waltons

We made cookies.
 Claire has a dairy allergy so she put skittles in hers and dairy free chocolate chip cookies.  And we didn't use butter.

The girls wanted to play outdoors.  The windchill was -10 degrees.
I checked to see how long it was safe for them to play outdoors.
The site I checked said 20 minutes.
So off they went to play!

 That evening, some people from church came with their truck and snow plow to scoop off the driveway and a couple of guys shoveled the sidewalks.  Many thanks!!
 On Tuesday, the sun was out and the kids went off to school.

 See what a good job the city did?  It was no trouble getting around!  Well, unless you were this guy.

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