Monday, July 15, 2019

Cana Island Lighthouse

We finished the day going to Cana Island Lighthouse.  It is on an 8.7 acre island on Lake Michigan.  There was only 1 more trip across as it was getting late in the day,  We debated going, as it seemed rather pricey.  But we thought, we may never come this way again.  So why not.  We were glad we did!

There is a causeway across to the island.  Some days it is dry and you can walk across.  And other days it is not very deep and people wade across.  But other days, you take a tractor with wagon across, like this day.  I suppose we could have walked across too.  It wasn't that deep, but the water was COLD!  And it was pretty rocky and you could easily twist an ankle.

We paid the guy our fare to get across and got on board the wagon.  It was so bumpy on the ride across!  Bumpety-bump-bump!!  It jarred us good.  But it was fun!

This reminds me so much of monkey island in Japan!  We took people there quite often.  Sometimes you had to take a boat over for the short ride, but when the tide was out, you could walk over.

I am on Taniguchi-san's lap.  My mother is holding Barby.  Our family and the Unruh kids, another missionary family, were together this weekend.  The monkeys can be a little scary.  In fact, you do not want to put your hands in your pockets or they will think you have food and will try to get it.

Here is Cana Lighthouse.  It was built it 1869 and lit in 1870.  The waters around Cana Island are filled with the wreckage of many wood-hulled schooners, as well as modern vessels.

We climbed the 97 steps of the lighthouse to the very top to the watch deck.

Someone is afraid of heights!

The workers were preparing to leave the island for the day.
They would return to the mainland with us.

The Fresnel lens was hand-crafted in France.  The light has been in continuous use since it was first lit.  It is one of the few lighthouses in the States whose original lens still works as an active navigational aid.

The lighthouse keeper and his family resided in the lighthouse.

It would be rather lonely not having friends around.  There is no more need for a lighthouse keeper living here as it is automatic.

Returning to the mainland.

Thinking of ship wrecks and the need for a lighthouse to guide the way, our lives sure can be a wreck too.  There is One who can guide us.

Image result for i am the light of the world

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